5717 Balcones Dr., Suite 217

Austin, Texas 78731

(512) 458-0111       Fax (512) 458-4901






September 8, 2003 (1:30 p.m.)


1.  Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Open Meetings), call to order and roll call by William H. Kuykendall, J.D., Chairman, Texas State Board of Barber Examiners (TSBBE).


2.  Read and possibly approve Board Minutes of July 7, 2003.


3.  Recognize the following individuals for their service to the barber profession and community:


Jimmy Little (56 years; deceased)

Glenn Linthicum (44+ years; deceased)

Jimmy Robertson (53+ years)


4. Public Comment.


5.  Consider for possible action Proposals for Decision from the State Office of Administrative Hearings (April 28, May 19, July 9, 2003).


6.  Consider extending the suspension of rule §51.12 Inspection of New Barber School or College.  The rule was suspended at the March 3rd, May 5th, and July 7th meetings and reads as follows:


§51.12. Two board members or one board member and the board's executive director shall inspect a proposed new barber school or college to determine that it fulfills all requirements of the board and of the Texas Barber Law, §9.


7.  Consider the TSBBE's administrative fine report for 09/01/02 - 08/23/03.


8.  Consider the Year-to-Date Report on Enrollments, Re-enrollments, Transfers, Certifications.


9.  Consider for possible approval the Agency's schedule of examinations for 2004.


10.  Consider the Office of Attorney's Opinion No. GA-0092 [Re: Use of the Barber School Tuition Protection Account administered by the State Board of Barber Examiners (RQ-0024-GA)].


11.  Consider outsourcing the collection of fines and penalties.


12. Pursuant to rule 51.5 Good Standing Required for License Renewal, consider the denial of a barber school permit renewal to Larry's Barber and Hair Styling (Dallas) for failure to pay in full administrative penalties assessed against the licensee.


13.  Consider the Texas Building and Procurement Commission's Post-Procurement and Payment Audit Final Results - November 2002 and April, May, and June 2003.


14. Consider an overview of the TSBBE's appropriations for FY2004 - FY2005 and financial report (09/01/02 - 08/31/03).


15. Consider for possible approval for publication and public comment proposed amendments to rule §51.77 Barber Shop Permit and rule §51.85 Reciprocal/Endorsement Licensing of Barbers to require the purchase of law and rule books.


16.  Consider inspectors' alternative methodologies by which the TSBBE can comply with the following performance measures set forth in HB1 given the health certificate is still required for the initial license and renewal.


                                                                                                            2004                             2005

Percent of Licensees Who Renew Online                                               13%                             18%

Percent of New Individual Licenses Issued Online                                  0%                               10%


17.  Consider expending funds to revise the teacher examination (English and Spanish).


Note: At the March 2003 Board meeting, the Board agreed to table the examination until the Board had the funds to send the examination to the national testing service for revision.


18. Adjourn