5717 Balcones Dr., Suite 217

Austin, Texas 78731

(512) 458-0111       Fax (512) 458-4901






MAY 5, 2003 (1:30 p.m.)


1.  Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Open Meetings), call to order and roll call by William H. Kuykendall, J.D., Chairman, Texas State Board of Barber Examiners (TSBBE).


2.  Read and possibly approve Board Minutes of March 3, 2003.


3.  Recognize Oscar York for more than 50 years of service to the barber profession and community:


4.  Consider the letter from Mrs. Bill Bybee and the card from the family of Lee Corso that were sent to the TSBBE's Executive Director in response to his letters of condolence upon the deaths of Mr. Bybee and Mr. Corso.


5.  Public Comment.


6.  Consider for possible action Proposals for Decision from the State Office of Administrative Hearings (January 15, February 10, March 10).


7.  Consider for possible ratification the Agreed Orders in the Matter of Assessment of an Administrative Penalty Against Certain Licensees in Cases Brought for Informal Hearings before the Executive Director (March 17).


8.  Review and discuss the TSBBE's administrative fine report for 09/01/02 - 04/30/03.


9.  Consider for possible action regarding the adoption of the following proposed amendments to rule §51.98 State-Mandated Fee for Occupational Licensing Transactions Using the Internet.  Proposed deletions are shown in (parentheses); proposed additions are shown in [brackets].  As requested by the TexasOnline Authority, the proposed amendments provide that all manicurists shall pay a $3.00 fee to TexasOnline; by rule, barbers already pay a $6.00 TexasOnline fee.


§51.98. As required by Senate Bill 187 and Senate Bill 645, 77th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, each licensee, upon renewal, shall pay (a $6.00) [the following] State-Mandated Fee for Occupational Licensing Transactions Using the Internet [: $6.00 for a barber; $3.00 for a manicurist].  This fee is in addition to the renewal fee.


10.  Consider extending the suspension of rule §51.12 Inspection of New Barber School or College.  The rule was suspended at the March 3rd meeting and reads as follows:


§51.12. Two board members or one board member and the board's executive director shall inspect a proposed new barber school or college to determine that it fulfills all requirements of the board and of the Texas Barber Law, §9.


11.  Consider the TSBBE's draft appropriations bill and financial report (09/01/02 - 04/30/03).

12  Briefing on the interactions by the TSBBE's Chairman, Executive Director, and Chief Fiscal Officer with the Texas Legislature and the status of various bills that could impact the TSBBE.


13.  Briefing on the Chairman's letter to the Texas Workforce Commission.


14.  If needed and pursuant to §551.071 and §551.074 of the Texas Government Code, the Board may enter into Executive Session.


15. Adjourn