Additional Information Obtained From:
Dr. Douglas A. Beran, Executive Director
Texas State Board of Barber Examiners
5717 Balcones Dr., Suite 217
Austin, Texas 78731
1. Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Open Meetings), call to
order and roll call by William H. Kuykendall, J.D., Chairman, Texas State
Board of Barber Examiners (TSBBE).
2. Read and possibly approve Board Minutes of January 6, 2003.
3. Public Comment.
4. Review and discuss TSBBE's administrative fine report for 09/01/02 - 02/28/03.
5. Consider for possible approval for publication and public comment the
following proposed amendments to rule §51.98 State-Mandated Fee for
Occupational Licensing Transactions Using the Internet. Proposed deletions
are shown in (parentheses); proposed additions are shown in [brackets]. As
requested by the TexasOnline Authority, the proposed amendments provide that
all manicurists shall pay a $3.00 fee to TexasOnline; by rule, barbers
already pay a $6.00 TexasOnline fee.
§51.98. As required by Senate Bill 187 and Senate Bill 645, 77th Texas
Legislature, Regular Session, each licensee, upon renewal, shall pay (a
$6.00) [the following] State-Mandated Fee for Occupational Licensing
Transactions Using the Internet [: $6.00 for a barber; $3.00 for a manicurist].
This fee is in addition to the renewal fee.
6. Pursuant to the letter from Gov. Perry, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst, and Speaker Tom
Craddick that agencies reduce their FY03 expenditures by 7%, review and
discuss the TSBBE's budget for 09/01/02 - 02/28/03, the budget-cut memorandum
sent to staff by the Executive Director, and any other budget-reduction
7. Given the 7% budget reduction (item #6 of the agenda), consider waiving,
suspending, or modifying rule §51.12 Inspection of New Barber School or
College. Also consider a policy that a proposed new barber school give the
TSBBE a 60-day notice prior to the inspection. The rule reads as follows:
§51.12. Two board members or one board member and the board's executive
director shall inspect a proposed new barber school or college to determine
that it fulfills are requirements of the board and of the Texas Barber Law,
8. Consider establishing an Executive Committee of the Board, consisting of
the Board Chairman and Vice Chairman, to serve for the duration of the 78th
Texas Legislature. Also consider delegating authority to the Board Chairman
to make decisions, as Chairman of the Executive Committee, on behalf of the
Board during the 78th Texas Legislature.
9. Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code, the Board will go into
executive session to consider the following:
a. the revised teacher examination.
b. if schools should be required to have their students countersign their
progress reports
c. pending or contemplated litigation
Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, the Board will return to the open
meeting to take appropriate action on items 9a, 9b, and 9c.
10. Adjourn