Agenda for August 6th Board Meeting (9:00 a.m.)
1. Call to
order and roll call by Mr. Wayne Moore, Vice Chairman, Texas State Board of
Barber Examiners.
Introduction by Mr. Wayne Moore of Mr. William Kuykendall as the new
Chairman of the Texas State Board of Barber Examiners to serve at the pleasure
of the Governor.
Introduction and administration of the oath of office by Chairman
Kuykendall to the new member of the Texas State Board of Barber Examiners,
Ronald L. Brown, for a term that begins on August 6, 2002 and ends on January
31, 2007.
4. Read and
possibly approve Board Minutes of June 4, 2002.
5. Read and
possibly approve Board Minutes of June 17, 2002.
6. Recognize
the following three individuals for their service to the barber profession and
L. J. Cook for more than 63
Ray Dell Galloway for more
than 55 years
Ronald L. Brown for 36 years
as a Texas barber, for 18 years as a school owner,
for providing an exceptional examination site for 15 years, and
for dedicated
service before the Texas Legislature
7. Consider
James A. Crain's (file # 228999) motion for rehearing of the Board's final
order (April 9) of an administrative penalty ($800: two violations of no booth
rental) proposed by the Administrative Law Judge from the State Office of
Administrative Hearings - default case.
8. Discuss
for possible action Proposals for Decision from the State Office of
Administrative Hearings (April 2, 2002).
9. Discuss
for possible ratification the Agreed Orders in the Matter of Assessment of an
Administrative Penalty Against Certain Licensees in Cases Brought for Informal
Hearings before the Executive Director on July 22, 2002.
10. Discuss
possible procedures for implementing rule §51.141(5)(B) adopted by the Board on
June 4, 2002.
(B) The use of any drill or
similar tool designed for use by a manicurist or pedicurist is prohibited
without proof of certification of training of that manicurist or pedicurist
through a program approved by the Texas State Board of Barber Examiners.
Consider comments from Nancy
King, Karen Mayer, and Lucia Hale (Association of Electric File Manufacturers)
11. Discuss
possible procedures for implementing rule §51.141(5)(A) adopted by the Board on
June 4, 2002.
(A) The use of any blade or
cutting tool for the purpose of removing corns or calluses is considered a
medical practice and is prohibited.
12. Consider proposed "housekeeping"
amendments to rule §51.3 Administrative Fines to comply with the requirements
enacted by the 77th Texas Legislature.
13. Review
and discuss proposed changes to the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1601.
Barbers for the 78th Texas Legislature.
a. provide that an applicant for a teacher's certificate must be a
Class A barber and must have at least three (rather than five) years'
experience as a practicing barber in a barbershop, two years of which occurred
in the two years preceding the application date (1601.254)
b. provide that an applicant for a manicurist license must be at
least seventeen (rather than sixteen) years of age (1601.257)
c. reconsider the proposal to retain the health certificate
vis-à-vis the Executive Director's letter to the Texas Department of Health's
Associate Commissioner for Disease Control and Prevention (1601.264; 1601.402)
d. reconsider the Texas Association of Tonsorial Artists' proposal
set forth below vis-à-vis research conducted by the Board's Assistant Attorney
General of the enabling legislation of 11 other professions (1601.303)
This proposal was presented to the Board at the June 4th meeting
That the Board shall issue a
barbershop permit to an applicant if:
(1) the applicant has
inherited existing barbershop(s)
(2) the applicant is
expanding locations of inherited shops
(3) all operating barbers in
the inherited and expanded barbershop locations hold a Class A barber
(4) all operating barbers in
said shop(s) have practiced barbering for at least 12 months
(5) the shop meets the
minimum health standards for barbershops set by the Board and all other rules
of the Board.
e. provide that a barbershop owner's name must also appear on a
barbershop permit if a barber is not the owner of the barbershop (1601.303)
f. provide that the Board shall adopt reasonable rules on
cleanliness for all licensees and permit holders rather than maintain detailed
cleanliness requirements in the Code (1601.506)
g. provide that, in addition to the teacher required by Section
1601.355(b), a barber school that provides training leading to issuance of a
Class A barber certificate shall have at least one qualified instructor,
holding a Class A certificate, for every 30 (rather than 20) students on
premises (1601.560)
h. provide that the attorney general may file an action for an
injunction or other proceeding to enjoin a barber, barbershop owner, or barber
school from operating in violation of the Barber Law (1601.651)
i. provide that a barber, barbershop owner, or barber school that
operates in violation of the Barber Law is liable to the state for a civil
penalty in the amount of $25 a day for each day a violation occurs (1601.651).
j. provide that a person commits an offense if the person violates
the Barber Law; an offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less
than $100 or more than $300 (a re-instatement of 1601.652 Offense; Penalty
repealed by the 77th Texas Legislature).
k. provide that the Board may take a default judgment against
respondents who fail to appear at scheduled hearings before the Executive
Director (1601.705)
l. provide for raising the maximums for various fees and other fee
m. Consider other possible
changes that were proposed after posting the August agenda in the Texas
14. Review
and discuss Agency's financial budget for 09/01/2001 - 07/31/2002.
15. Review
and discuss Agency's administrative fine report for 09/01/2001 - 07/31/2002
16. Discuss
for possible approval the Agency's Legislative Appropriations Request for
Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005.
17. Discuss
staff's presentation before the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute
as requested by Rep. Ray Allen.
18. Discuss
for possible approval the Agency's schedule of examinations for 2003.
19. Discuss
for possible approval the Agency's poster, "Sanitation Rules for Barber
Shops and Barber Schools and Colleges" [22 Texas Administrative Code
20. Discuss
updates to the Agency's licensing data base
21. Discuss
updates to the Agency's web site.
22. Public