Agenda for April Board
April 8; 9:00
1. Read and possibly approve Board Minutes
of February 5, 2002.
2. Discuss for possible action Proposals
for Decisions from the State Office of Administrative
3. Discuss for possible action regarding
the adoption of proposed rule 51.7 Cost of Administrative Hearings to grant the
State Board of Barber Examiners the authority to assess an additional penalty
(not to exceed $200) for administrative hearings.
4. Discuss for possible action regarding
adoption of an amendment to rule 51.30(3)(L) to delete “manicuring, 1
5. Discuss for possible
action regarding adoption of an amendment to rule 51.31 Manicurist Course to
implement a new manicurist license training course consisting of 600 rather than
300 hours of instruction for not less than 16 weeks rather than eight weeks; if
adopted, this rule would comply with the requirements enacted by the
77th Texas Legislature.
6. Discuss for possible action the repeal
of rule 51.32 Wig Specialist Course and rule 51.33 Wig Instructor
7. Discuss for possible action regarding
the adoption of a new rule 51.77 Barber Shop Permit which would require the
following: (1) that an applicant for a barber shop permit has been licensed for
12 months; (2) that the applicant’s shop has met the Barber Board’s minimum
health standards for barber shops; (3) that the applicant has complied with all
other rules of the Board.
8. Discuss for possible action regarding
the adoption of an amendment to rule 51.5 Good Standing Required for License
Renewal such that no license or permit may be issued or renewed unless the
licensee is in good standing with the Barber Board.
9. Discuss for possible action regarding
the adoption of an amendment to rule 51.141 (5) Out of Scope. (A) The use of any blade, drill or
cutting tool (power or manual) designed for the purpose of removing corns and
calluses or violating the nail bed in any manner is
10. Discuss for possible action regarding
the adoption of proposed rule 51.98 State-Mandated Fee for Occupational
Licensing Transactions Using the Internet.
11. Consider language for a proposed rule
under the Texas Occupations Code 1601.504 Necessary
12. Consider language for a proposed rule
under the Texas Occupations Code 1601.152 Sanitation
13. Consider language for an amendment to
rule 51.92 to require that the Barber Board's laws and rules shall be displayed
in a barbershop.
14. Consider language for an amendment to
rule 51.97 to require that the Barber Board's laws and rules shall be displayed
at the Booth Renter's workstation.
15. Consider language for an amendment to
rule 51.121 Barber Inspector such that an applicant for the position of barber
inspector must be a licensed barber and must have practiced barbering for at
least three (rather than five) years immediately prior to applying for the
16. Consider language for a proposed rule
that would permit the Executive Director to sign a Board Order once a Proposal
for Decision has been ratified by the Board.
17. Discuss for possible approval an
enforcement policy based upon an interpretation of Texas Occupations Code
1601.560 such that 1601.560 is interpreted to mean a qualified instructor for
every 20 students for instruction in class or in
18. Discuss for possible approval a policy
that the Board will consider an anonymous complaint as valid. As part of this policy, if a complaint
is signed, any request for the identity of the person who signed the complaint
shall be forwarded to the Board's representative from the Office of Attorney
General who will determine what information shall be
19. Discuss for possible approval a new
employee performance evaluation form and directions proposed by the Executive
Director. The Texas Commission on
Human Rights has stated the proposed form and its instructions comply with the
Texas Commission on Human Rights Act.
20. Discuss a change to the barber
examination such that an examinee will be permitted to leave a moustache and
goatee in the shave procedure.
21. Review and discuss the following
proposed changes to the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1601. Barbers for the
78th Texas Legislature:
a. raise the age from 16 to 18 to be
eligible for a manicurist license (1601.253)
b. raise the maximums for various fees and
other fee changes
c. provide that the board may adopt
reasonable rules on cleanliness rather than maintain detailed cleanliness
requirements in the Code (1601.506)
d. provide that a qualified instructor
shall be present for 25 (rather than 20) students on premises
e. provide that, upon withdrawal from a
school, a student may not obtain an official transcript of hours taken and
practical applications performed at the school until the student has paid the
school for tuition, fees, books, and/or tools (1601.565)
f. provide that a student's hours at one
school may not be transferred to another school until the student has paid the
prior school for tuition, fees, books, and/or tools
g. provide that a student may not be
allowed to take the state examination until the student has paid the school for
tuition, fees, books, and/or tools (1601.261)
h. provide that a student or student
teacher that fails the state exam three times must take a 300 hour remediation
course from a licensed Texas school and that the school shall send certification
to the Board that the student or student teacher has successfully completed the
course (1601.257; 1601.263)
i. provide that a person who fails to
attend the hearing before the Executive Director shall pay the administrative
fine by default and the Board, upon approving the default fine, may bar the
license renewal (1601.705).
j. provide that the shop owner's name must
appear on a barber shop permit if a barber is not the shop owner
k. delete the provision that an individual
may apply for a barber technician's license (1601.256; 1601.261;
l. delete the provision that a student may
apply for an early written examination (1601.262).
m. amend eligibility requirements for a
teacher's certificate from five years' experience as a practicing barber to three years
n. delete health certificate requirement
(1601.264) as requested by Willis Robert Lowmiller, licensed Texas barber (Mr.
Lowmiller's letter is included in the Board's materials).
22. Review and discuss agency's financial
budget for 09/01/2001 - 02/28/2002.
23. Review and discuss agency's
administrative fine report for 09/01/2001 - 02/28/2002.